The Final “Benefit” of the Covid Jabs Has Fallen as the Unvaxxed Are Proven to Be LESS Susceptible to “Long Covid”
The evolution of the the Covid-19 “vaccine” sales pitch would be comical if it didn’t mean death and suffering for so many. It started off as “100% effective” against preventing Covid. That quickly shifted to 99%. Then 95%. Then 90%. By the time corporate media declared it was 40% “effective,” the narrative from the CDC and FDA turned away from the idea that vaccines prevented contracting or spreading the disease. They switched it to jabs preventing hospitalization and death.
We all remember the celebrities and politicians who announced they had Covid in 2021 and 2022. They repeated the same story, saying something to the effect of “I got Covid but thankfully I was fully-vaccinated and boosted or it would have been a lot worse.”
That narrative persisted for over a year until early Summer, 2023, when studies were released (albeit reluctantly) showing the jabbed actually suffered more hospitalization and a higher likelihood of death. Oops.
The latest stage of vaccine gaslighting took the form of a claim that was difficult to disprove because of the time factor. Supposedly, the jabs reduced the chances of someone experiencing “long Covid,” a nebulous condition that many believe is simply a smokescreen to cover up many adverse reactions to the jabs.