More predictive programming on the way in big-budget Hollywood movie ‘Civil War’: First trailer released for viewing
Guest post by Leo Hohmann
Following the Obama-produced release last week of the movie Leave the World Behind, about the collapse of America following a catastrophic cyber attack that shuts down the power grid, internet and all cellphone service, Hollywood is about to serve up another blockbuster dystopian film featuring???
How did you guess? Civil War in America.
Civil War, starring Kirsten Dunst and directed by Alex Garland, looks like an action-packed thriller that will draw an even bigger audience than the Obama production that’s currently Number 1 on Netflix. The first trailer for the upcoming Civil War has just been released. The film depicts journalists navigating a war-torn America. Check out the just-released trailer below.
The release date for Civil War is set for April 26, 2024.
In a May interview with The Daily Telegraph, Garland said the movie is “set at an indeterminate point in the future …and serves as a sci-fi allegory for our currently polarized predicament.”
I have argued for at least a couple of years now that Civil War is a key component of the final takedown of America. The globalists, in my opinion, have already fully conquered the U.S. government, the media, the education system and the military. All that’s left to conquer here is the spirit of the American people. There is a segment who must be disarmed and put in their place if the globalists are going to consolidate their power and make their stranglehold on the system permanent. They do not wish to try to subdue every patriotic American, a tall order that would probably take years to accomplish going house to house and collecting arms, arresting the inhabitants and placing them in camps. That’s a long and messy job.
They’d much rather see us all dead. What better way to accomplish that than through war. Perhaps a bloody civil war will break out in conjunction with a World War III scenario, cyber attacks, grid-down, etc. Out of chaos will come a new world order, right? At least that’s their plan. Only God knows if it will succeed.
Will the Second American Civil War be triggered next summer or fall? What if Trump manages to get elected to a second term? I could see that being used as the triggering mechanism.
All we see happening in the “news” is for a reason. It’s all theater. The only authentic reality is that God is on His throne and will ultimately prevail. He’s just waiting for the right moment to intervene and stop this merry-go-round of staged fake reality.
Let me know what you believing the next year will bring in the comments below.
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One scenario off the top of my head: Emplaced jakals increase attacks on infrastructure. Then first responders are hindered or prevented from restoring services/order. even a partial slow down of goods and services would llikely cause social agitation and break down . Martial Law likely to follow. The media could direct the blame for the attacks in several directions, either towards foreigners, ‘Racial Radicals’, Patriots (or all three) with the purpose of turning neighbor against neighbor. Unless efforts are taken by those neighbors to unite and defend beforehand, it won’t take long before Americans will cry out in desperation for massive international intervention. My vote is mid to late Summer. So set aside your pride to stem the evil tide, and UNITE AND DEFEND folks!
Every real, traditional American man, or woman, must take ten of the brainwashed enemies of liberty down before they go. That will be all that we are able to do. The major perpetrators of all that we see, hate and resist are and will remain beyond our reach, but their enforcers are and will not be so fortunate. If we and OUR America are to be destroyed in this way, let us make such an end of them that it will resound around the world as an example of what the demons fear and wish to destroy.
Grandiose and complex plans to win at the strategic level are unlikely given the control of comms etc that our Enemy already has, a situation that will only get worse in a “civil conflict” of all against all. Kill what is right in front of you that is trying to kill you, help those you can who deserve your help. Trust God to sort us all in the end.
Any grand plan to disrupt and thwart the Enemy’s intentions had better be very far along now, and implemented asap. There is no time left to plot, parse, discuss, divide, align, “tribe up,” prep, train…….. Face your mortality and make your death count for something.
I’d wager something much different will play out. Some estimates are that almost 10 MILLION people have illegally crossed what used to be the US southern border since biden was installed. How many of them are military age males with an agenda? Even if it’s less than 100,000, that is more than enough to bring this country to it’s knees. I’d also wager this is the ultimate goal behind what is going on around us, all their gear is prepositioned, they have high level support, Chinese troops rolling in, etc.
Treason and corruption are the order of the day at all levels, and nothing short of an invasion is being facilitated right in front of the world. As for some kind of uprising, most Americans will do nothing to stop what is coming, especially White people. Most of them will go into slavery, or whatever, with a whimper, if that. Most of them are fat, lazy, weak, cowardly, back-stabbing, willfully ignorant, and ripe for the culling. Those who are’nt weak and cowardly are rather few these days. My black pill point of view.
Maybe if we just voat moar harder, Trump will save America…
As with the American Revolution, small numbers, percentage-wise, can make ALL the difference. If God will once gain smile upon the nation He helped birth, then much more is possible than would appear on the surface
In your heart, if you understand your own mortality and also pine for the (if any) legacy you wish to leave… then Jesus, Prepper details and a willingness to go against” the odds” may well guide your steps.
Or in company.
Well said, James. Thanks for the reminder.
Communications is one of the most powerful tools in warfare…