Totalitarianism is Coming Out of The Closet and Manifesting Itself as Colorado Slime, by Scipio

Totalitarianism needs structure.

That structure takes time, often multiple decades to establish.

These structures are formed in two ways: 1) co-opting existing structures, and 2) creating new structures.

The co-opting of existing structures is done mainly through infiltration and/or redirection of an institution’s original mission.

The Constitution has been subverted and weakened for decades. For example, originally the Constitution provided for US Senators, the most powerful legislators, to be elected by their state’s legislators. It was believed that a state’s educated political class would be best suited to select Senators rather than uneducated citizens who could easily be swept up in emotional issues and put demigods in office like it has turned out. That was changed in 1913 with the 17th Amendment allowing for direct election of US Senators.

That was part of, Woody Wilson, the nation’s second “progressive” President’s agenda. That’s why we have pigs like Senator Mitch McConnell, Lyndsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Charles Shumer, Richard Durbin, and Elizabeth Warren feeding at the public trough of power and ego. Some members of the Legislature have even ingratiated themselves to insider stock trading and “gifts” of millions of dollars in lobbyist’s largesse. Vavik Ramaswamy has done a good job of pointing out those running for the Republican Presidential nomination for mysteriously gaining sudden wealth.

Decades passed since the 17th Amendment, but “The Long March” toward totalitarianism has continued in a systematic way with America’s second “progressive” President, FDR. He unleased, under the catchy phrase “New Deal”, a massive dose of socialism. The federal departments of government that were created were known by the acronym of the department’s first letters, WPA which stood for “Works Progress Administration” but quickly became known as “We Piddle Around”. Today these departments have become a law unto themselves. The are the foundation of the so-called “deep state”.

Progressive” President Truman followed up the “New Deal” with his own “Square Deal”. Every President since then, with the exception of Reagan, have followed up with their own programs that can most accurately be described as simply “Raw Deals”.

The Supreme Court has been in the act as well as judicial activists. Recently the major decision of Obamacare is an example of the growth of tyranny in in the judicial branch of government. Regional appellate courts have been even more aggressive in actively judicating legislation without citizen representation.

One subtle way the totalitarians have weaved their web is to slip their nefarious intentions into unrelated Congressional appropriations. The most recent example was in the defense policy bill, properly known as NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act). Language buried deep inside the appropriation extended and even expanded FISA warrantless searches, even after over 100,000 illegal FISA searches have been documented. That’s the way “bipartisanship” works, everybody gets pork to sell back home and the American people find their liberties eroded further.

Another example is weaponizing US Government Federal law enforcement against its political opponents and its citizens. The government’s enemies are clearly in their bullseye, ask Elon Musk, Don Trump, or citizens who merely walked in the Capitol Building January 6th, or numerous (FFL) Federal Firearms License gun dealers who have been paid unannounced heavy handed federal law enforcement “visits” in recent days.

Creating new structures comes mostly as a response to a real crisis or a manufactured crisis. Take 911, for example, regardless of whether, as some argue, it was; “real” or “created” event, the net result was the same. It gave the totalitarians an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights with the passage of the Patriot Act, which was anything but “patriotic”. It created another Federal law enforcement agency, the Department of Homeland Security, whose authority exceeds all other jurisdictions.

Did you know that the DHS has authority to do warrantless searches within 100 miles of an “external boundary” of the USA? That’s America’s entire border, not just the Mexican and Canadian borders. In other words, (see map in footnote below) if you live in Ithaca, NY, Charlottesville, VA, Madison, WI, Concord, NH, Harrisburg, PA, Tucson, AZ, Spokane WA, Eugene, OR, Sacramento CA, or San Bernadino, CA, you have no Constitutional protections against unlawful search and detainment if the DHS comes after you. BTW, that 100-mile zone covers approximately 80% of all Americans. Thank you, George Bush!

We all know of DHS’s bastard child, the TSA, that has terrorized travelers and blocked free travel. After decades on the job, they have not been able to point to foiling a single terrorist plot. (Did I say the TSA was a “bastard child”? I meant to say, the bastards at TSA.) But they do have a list of terrorists, and your name is probably on it if you have said anything (in public or private) in support of freedom.

Remember Janet Napolitano, third Secretary of DHS? She famously said, “If you see something, say something”. Translation: spy on your neighbors, especially if you don’t like them. You don’t need probable cause, just “suspicions”. Joe Biden is recently creating a government program for that.

Through the DHS, the President is extending the DHS mission to monitor “extremist”, NOT “terrorist” as was originally the DHS’s mission. Who is an extremist? If you are one of the 2 million people on “The List” I mention in the link below, you are an “extremist”. Joe proposes an “Army of Snitches” who are offered “Dollars for Collars”.

COVID had nothing to do about a bioweapon virus but everything to do about a totalitarian practice dry run.

Before they send the goons from the selective enforcement teams to invade your home at 3:00 AM in the morning or your place of business, they need a list. Like Santa Claus, they are checking it twice to see if you have been naughty or nice and how the secret “social credit” scores they keep on you compare to “The List”.

The biggest manufactured crisis is so-called man-made climate change. I took a climatology class in graduate school as an elective. I am glad I took it because at that time it was taught in the “science” department, not being taught under the tutelage of “social science” departments today.

Then there is the 20-80-20 rule to deal with. According to studies, only about 20% of a population is morally and mentally capable of understanding what is going on around them, and willing to participate in it for change. The other 20% are incapable of fully grasping the world around them either for moral or mental deficiencies. That leaves the 80% in the middle who don’t want to be bothered dealing with it. They are perfectly content to either live free or in bondage. As long as they can get by, they don’t care enough to do anything about being exploited.

Many people are under the illusion the American Revolution was whole heartedly supported by the majority of the colony’s population. It was not. The 20-80-20 rule (not the 80/20 rule) was at work during this time also. It’s a human social thing that is timeless. There were those who whole heartedly supported King George and took up arms against their fellow revolutionaries. Many Revolutionary battles took place where there was not a single Red Coat involved. It was between Colonists, a mini-civil war within a revolution.

It took the 20% who were in favor of liberty over a life of ease to win that struggle. They were 100% sold out to the cause of liberty. The last sentence of the Declaration of Independence spelled out the lengths they were willing to go to in order to be free men. It reads, “We pledge our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.” In other words, they were willing to die, willing to lose their financial security, and willing to be forever labeled as traitors if they lost. The men who signed were wealthy individuals and had a lot to lose.

That struggle has been thrust upon us once again. There is, however, a successful blue print as to how to regain liberty, it’s called The Declaration of Independence. “When in the course of human events, it becomes NECESSARY…”

When Tyrants feel they have the power to grab total control, they act. Looking back to our day, future historians may designate the Supreme Court of Colorado’s decision December 19, 2023 to ban Trump from running for President on the Colorado ballot, the date that evil (yes, evil) raised its ugly head. Evil Forces that had been working in the shadows threw down the gauntlet in Colorado, and brazenly, and openly, struck America’s core Constitutional foundation. This was not just another (91 and counting) legal shenanigan thrown at Trump (BTW I am not a Trump fan, but I am a fan of liberty), it was a landmark anti-democratic legal precedent against all Americans.

Could this be the spark?

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:

One Comment

  1. Garry F. Owen, Trooper December 23, 2023 at 00:09

    I may not be a smart man, but shouldn’t it be 20/60/20?

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