WEF spokesperson Yuval Harari: You’re the Useless Class
WEF spokesperson Yuval Harari (@harari_yuval): When the flood comes the scientists will build a Noah’s ark for the elite leaving the rest to drown aka the “Useless Class.” @jordanbpeterson @thecoastguy @Timcast pic.twitter.com/0CA4E16P6D
— MilkBarTV (@TheMilkBarTV) December 21, 2023
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So says a useless fucker. Pure projection.
Said by the most useless group on God’s green earth…the judenclass. Not sorry I had to respond for world historic forces.
You first, you little pencil necked sociopsychopath. You will be among the early “liquidations.” So dangerous is your unhinged disconnect with your own lack of humanity and uselessness, that those demons you serve will have you for breakfast.
Unless one of us breaks your scrawny, weak, envious, spiteful little neck first. There are literally thousands of capable and willing volunteers waiting their chance. The foulest goat-demons in hell slaver at the thought of your imminent arrival………………