ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Keep on Rockin In A ‘Free’ World-The Total Irony of the Actions of the Secretary of State of The United States of America

Photo Credit: YouTube (at :23)
By Stan Szymanski
What could have been a scene from the 2006 movie Idiocracy, we have the Secretary of State of these United States onstage playing guitar and singing at a club in Kiev just a few hours ago.
While the Secretary would not be the first American politician to strap on a guitar and have it make the news cycle, he is the one who may have the most pension for irony.
I have no military experience and can’t tell a platoon from a brigade. It is, at this point, overwhelmingly obvious that the Ukraine war is a lost cause as far as the ‘West’ is concerned. With an estimated 500,000 Ukrainians killed or wounded and millions of refugees, it hasn’t gone too well for the ‘breadbasket of Europe’ either. If you didn’t know, the Ukrainian war didn’t start in 2022 with the Russian ‘Special Military Action’ but with the US fomenting a ‘Color Revolution’ (thanks Victoria Nuland!) with the overthrow of a duly elected president in the Ukraine in 2014.
Now we have the irony of the top US state official in Kiev playing Neil Young’s ‘Keep On Rockin’ In A Free World’ with a band onstage in Kiev.
First of all, Mr. A.B. is literally fiddling while Rome (Kiev) burns. The Russians are (as I understand it) on a military offensive moving from the east of Ukraine with the potential intent of heading for the capital. It certainly seems easy for Blinken to sing ‘Keep On Rockin’ In A Free World’ from a platform in wartorn Kiev when he has a jet taxiing on a runway close by to get him out of there and back to the continental USA while rockets are heading toward the city he is admonishing to ‘keep rocking’.
But the true paradox is the juxtaposition of Blinken (the ‘administration’) performing that particular Neil Young song . In his 1989 lyrics, Mr. Young was being highly critical of President George Bush and his administration (“We got 1,000 points of light, for the homeless man,” “We got a kinder, gentler machine gun hand”).
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Has anything changed? The New World Order (‘1000 points of light) is still here…The UN records almost 6 million are refugees from the Ukraine (…’for the homeless man’)…The US has supplied the vast majority of weapons to the Ukrainians (‘We got a kindler, gentler machine gun hand)…
The leader of the ‘Crazy Horse’ band could not have written more prophetically than he did about a Secretary of State singing his song:
…’There’s colors on the street
Red, white, and blue
People shuffling their feet
People sleeping in their shoes
There’s a warning sign on the road ahead
There’s a lot of people saying we’d be better off dead
Don’t feel like Satan, but I am to them
So I try to forget it any way I can’…(First verse of ‘Rockin’ In A Free World)
Literally the colors on the street in Kiev are Red White and Blue. There are people sleeping in their shoes. Many there have lost their families and livelihoods-many probably do feel that they would be better off dead, especially with the Russians on their way. And if anyone is Satan to the people of the Ukraine it is those (i.e. ‘Blinky’, Nuland and the administration) who are indisputably responsible for bringing hell upon their country.
Now I can only imagine that Mr. Blinkin is left with a sour feeling in the pit of his stomach. Sour about the way that history will remember him and his role in the lack of statesmanship that played a part in a crestfallen American diplomacy and a forsaken platform of world leadership.
The twist that is the burlesque of Anthony Blinkin’s music performance will soon be forgotten…but not the decline in the perceived gravitas in foreign affairs by the American leadership that has transpired since the beginning of the military action in the Ukraine.
Perhaps A.B.’s performance in Kiev is his swan song. One has to wonder if he is headed to retirement just as the Ukraine was the alleged cause of the retirement of Victoria Nuland.
Perhaps it is music that will ironically tell the tale once again. Perhaps what Lynard Skynard said of Neil Young in ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ will foreshadow the perception of the efficacy of the man who recently jammed in Kiev:
…’Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don’t need him around, anyhow’…
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The hardest part to stomach is that 1) not only does that song suck but it also 2) is a confused Boomer anthem from a LONG since abandoned and rightfully resented and forgotten era.
Also, Neil Young hates war and is Highly critical of the U.S. government whenever we are in one.
The song isn’t actually about rocking in the free world.
Good grief.
“Tone Def” is a saying for a reason…
You could write Thesis paper on how freaking disconnected this is.
Only a nation ruled by Octogenarians would think this was a good move in a proxy war with Russia…
Right on JP…love to hear you on the SOL Thursday show!