Radio Contra Episode 281. Let’s take a look at Signal’s Chairman and NPR CEO Katherine Maher
Episode 281. I do a deep dive on the Signal Messaging App’s chairman, Katherine Maher, who happens to also be the CEO of NPR, raging liberal and destabilization agent in the middle east during the Arab Spring. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
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Is Signal even needed at this point? Let’s be honest here, with tools like Pegasus it renders encrypted data in transit a moot point when it comes to a cell phone. So it’s not even that using the wifi only tablet with something like Cwtch or Session or BChat is soooo difficult. It really isn’t. The issue is that who are you talking to with said device, and are they willing to step outside their comfort zone even just a little bit. Their laziness is a giant liability for those of us who are taking this seriously and have heeded your warnings. I’d even say if they are a more politically oriented contact, you shouldn’t share your cell phone at all. It’s a litmus test to me. If they won’t use the other means… shitcan them. They aren’t serious people.