Request for Information (RFI) – Weekly SITREP

I am going to make this a weekly post so that we can use this as a place to make any reports on unusual activity or localized hotspots of trouble. We did this a few times during COVID (here, here, here, and here) but I figured that, as our conditions continue to degrade around the country, it would be useful to bring this back as a regularly recurring topic of discussion.

Post your reports in the comments below.


General Location: 

Food Price / Shortages: 

Fuel Prices / Shortages: 

Unusual Military Movement:

Civil Unrest / Crime:

Interesting Local News / Events: 

Public Service Interruptions:

Changes in Patterns of Life: 

Any additional observations or comments: 

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. mike May 29, 2024 at 11:46

    General Location: Upper New England

    Food Price / Shortages: Elevated/None

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Elevated, stable Reg $3.39 Gal/None

    Unusual Military Movement:
    Little being observed of late, However Maine’s Emergency Management Agency, along with the Maine National Guard’s Civil Support Team, will conduct full-scale training exercises to prepare for a potential weapon of mass destruction (WMD) attack on Maine for 3 days in early June. The operation, called Katahdin Shield 2024, will involve 30 agencies, including federal authorities, as well as state law enforcement and fire departments, and will also incorporate hazmat teams.

    Civil Unrest / Crime:

    Consistent with previous reports for the most part. There was a tranny stabbing and murder rampage in Connecticut and Massachusetts by a wealthy trans activist that resulted in a death and 6 innocent people stabbed. All local and national media are consistently identifying the suspect as a “man” despite a very public woke pronoun and trans lifestyle being in evidence for this subject.

    Another raid conducted by local police on a rural Chicom drug operation. Once again, no Maine State Police or federal drug agency support was provided and no one was arrested despite Chinese crop watchers being in residence. The property is owned by out of state PRC national with likely PLA ties.

    Interesting Local News / Events:

    A Maine Non profit Refugee resettlement agency has been consistently overbilling the State since at least 2013 and has not repaid any of the disputed funds according to a DHHS audit. An example of the abuse is a case of transporting “refugees” to MacDonalds for an $80 “snack”, which is an unauthorized service.

    Public Service Interruptions: None

    Changes in Patterns of Life:

    Any additional observations or comments:

  2. Ernie May 29, 2024 at 23:12

    General Location: NW Missouri

    Food Price / Shortages: Elevated/light shelves, varying items unavailable

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Elevated, climbed to $4.29 today from $3.85 at noon ethanol free Gal/None

    Unusual Military Movement: None

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Increasing numbers of homeless showing up moving north out of Kansas City. Some individuals setting up “camp” in wooded areas along the way. Many are families with children and pets carrying what they can, do not appear to have bathed in awhile.

    Interesting Local News / Events:

    Locals appear clueless. Focus is totally normie. Vote harder, support Israel, support Ukraine, help the poor downtrodden brown people, mask wearing is coming back in vogue in the wealthy areas, vaccines good, need more.

    Public Service Interruptions: We are seeing a lot of cell phone losses of service for short times that is unexplained and not acknowledged by the PTB. Texts and missed calls showing up days after the initial action. Internet for non regime friendly sites becoming increasingly hit or miss. Credit card service has been down a lot lately part of which can be attributed to these freak violent storms popping in.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: Weather forecasting that has been 50/50 at best in the past is now an absolute farce. It is very apparent that the forecasters are using AI and then reading a teleprompter saying what AI tells them too.

    Any additional observations or comments: 10 years ago we built predominantly middle to upper middle class housing. For the last two years we are building rich peoples’ bunker mansions. Business death, especially in the mom and pop is heavy. Covid loans could not be repaid in the devastated world after lockdown.

  3. some dude May 30, 2024 at 03:26

    AO: southern greece

    fuel/energy prices: more or less unchanged. gas EUR 2.05-2.40/liter, diesel 1.80-195, kerosene 60/18liters, propane, 33/15 kilo refill

    shortages/availability/supply chain: not related to greece but it is almost impossible to get high end ARM-based computing equipment – motherboards, cpus, and so on. lead times are 3-4 months.. employer needed to buy one motherboard to expand capacity and it only arrived int he past week or two, had been ordered in january. Anecdotally from vendors is the word that large buyers supplying datacenter type operations basically buy the entire production run and only a few token pieces ever get to circulate to the general public.. apparently though theyre already making as many as they can and the investment needed to increase capacity is probably not worth it.

    local news: one more subtle step in the effort to remove people from the countryside: a new regulation was just imposed, requiring anyone owning either a vacant lot inside an urban zone (which already has requirements to keep it clean, clear of brush, etc) or – any building within 300m of a ‘forest zone’ which is defined by a set of map data the government determines , to come up with a ‘fire protection plan’ from a ‘licensed’ specialist granted the blessing to produce such plans, and to file it in some new ‘online platform’ (they simply love trying to turn everything into an ‘online platform’, it’s all they know how to do anymore, well that and levy fines for not doing what they want in their ‘platforms’) by … the end of may. this demand was only announced about a week ago and the ‘online platform’ became available on.. the 27th of may. so basically people had 4 days to rush and get this done, with fines in the thousands for delays or ‘noncompliance’.. one more step to make it more expensive and more hassle to own property out in the country, to help herd them all into the cities..
    after probably some rich people were also caught by the impossible deadline, they extended it month.

  4. Doc B May 30, 2024 at 08:36

    General Location: SW Missouri Ozarks

    Food Price / Shortages: Elevated. There are shortages of the beef we used to buy. Ground beef 80/20 is now 7$/ pound. Weekly groceries for a family of 5 is now about 200$, and we make almost everything by scratch.

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Between 3.80 and 4.10 per gallon for diesel.

    Unusual Military Movement: None

    Civil Unrest / Crime: None outside of the normal small town dumbassery / meth head crap.

    Interesting Local News / Events: Tornadoes last weekend. Death toll 5.

    Public Service Interruptions: None really, as there are very few public services.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: We have begun to eat off the garden for this season. Hopefully this will help to drop the grocery bill.

    Any additional observations or comments: College must be out for the year, as there are more tattooed / colored hair/ fat ass freaks visible than normal. Still this is rare enough that it’s noticed.

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