Request for Information (RFI) – Weekly SITREP

I am going to make this a weekly post so that we can use this as a place to make any reports on unusual activity or localized hotspots of trouble. We did this a few times during COVID (here, here, here, and here) but I figured that, as our conditions continue to degrade around the country, it would be useful to bring this back as a regularly recurring topic of discussion.

Post your reports in the comments below.


General Location: 

Food Price / Shortages: 

Fuel Prices / Shortages: 

Unusual Military Movement:

Civil Unrest / Crime:

Interesting Local News / Events: 

Public Service Interruptions:

Changes in Patterns of Life: 

Any additional observations or comments: 

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


  1. Alan Rush June 5, 2024 at 09:31

    10% gas $3.09.

    Tomatoes as much as $4 a lb.

    People stressing out on increased cost of living, mostly food prices.

  2. Doc B June 5, 2024 at 16:52

    General Location: SW Missouri Ozarks

    Food Price / Shortages: No report. Didn’t go shopping this week.

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Diesel at 3.65 to 4.05 / gal, depending on location.

    Unusual Military Movement: None

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Nothing outside of normal

    Interesting Local News / Events: No report

    Public Service Interruptions: Not really, there are very few public services here to begin with.

    Changes in Patterns of Life: None observed from last week.

    Any additional observations or comments: There are more trannies observed. By more I mean like two or three, but still, in rural MO/AR. This is something that simply would not happen 5 years ago.

  3. Boon June 5, 2024 at 16:57

    Fuel prices fluctuate by .30 per gallon depending on the part of the state you are…3.34 for higher grade was my last fill.

    Food prices seem higher each trip I make to the store, I barter for beef and grow most of my food but I am not sure how people can afford beef or bacon now?

    Seeing panhandlers everywhere now, this was a rare occurrence in my area. Most people have installed secondary locking devices and cameras on all doors and windows as walk-in burglary seems to be to fastest growing crime.

    Spent about an hour outside city hall flipping off the Minnesota abomination flag today, no one stopped to question my motives as it seems many people share a somewhat toned down but similar opinion.

  4. Ghostmann June 6, 2024 at 04:30

    General location: NE PA

    Expanding on what I have posted here before about LE having a ratio of unmarked to marked about 4:1, that ratio is now double that. At least 8:1 unmarked vs marked cars. It’s funny, the increase in the quantity of encrypted radio traffic also has increased. I’m going to say the unmarked are probably the PSP, as the increased traffic is on their listed frequencies.

    Also, even in my rural area, we are seeing these on the main roads:

    Could it be the unusual foreigners (i.e., Chinese at the gun range) driving this? I’m not sure, as when listening in on the scanner crime doesn’t seem to have increased. If anything the usual criminal activity seems to be committed by vagrants who don’t even drive. The plate readers aren’t even near the range.

    I can speculate on the whys of the scanners but I don’t have any proof to back it up, so it’s more a hunch than anything.

    Political observations:
    Not as many Trump flags as you would think. The only people flying flags were the ones who were already flying flags before. No new homes with flags up. I’d even say if it wasn’t for the web, you’d have a hard time knowing it was an election year to be honest. No Biden flags at all. Very few political oriented clothing is being worn.

  5. some dude June 6, 2024 at 06:25

    AO: southern greece

    prices in general about the same as last month, availability seems as usual.

    unusual military movements, etc: some loud low-flying jets were heard this morning (central aegean) which is generally uncommon. turkish fighters routinely intrude on gr airspace just to be a**holes, trigger radars and get an intercept scrambled into the air, then they turn around and leave again (at those speeds the whole thing happens in a matter of a couple minutes) sometimes multiple times a day, but seldom this far out. usually just over the islands opposite the asia minor coastline. last time over here was a few years ago (and more dramatic, the intruder and two interceptors in pursuit roared right over our mountain and down the valley at high speed and an altitude of less than 1000 feet above ground, the sound was as if the whole mountain was being dynamited into the sky at once or something, it was crazy) ..

    local news: the uproar over the water problem is getting louder. municipal gov (one and the same with the mass-hotel owners or else buddies with them) raised water rates (retroactively , too, to the beginning of the year!) by about 2x for domestic use and about 4x for businesses regardless of size or touristic nature, to pay for a 5 mil price tag on desalination installations because our own water simply isnt enough to fill swimming pools, flush toilets, and water lawns for 50-60 thousand tourists who crowd into this place in the summer (local pop is about 20k), but of course why make them pay for it when they can make everyone else pay for it.. people are starting to get organized and the noise will get louder, it will not go away.

    not much else comes to mind.

  6. mike June 6, 2024 at 06:52

    General Location: Upper New England

    Food Price / Shortages: Elevated /None

    Fuel Prices / Shortages: Elevated $3.59 Gal reg/ None

    Unusual Military Movement:
    None. No activity observed from this weeks Statewide WMD response drills.

    Civil Unrest / Crime: Consistent with earlier reports

    Interesting Local News / Events:

    Maine Gun Safety coalition sponsored gun “giveback” had a meager response. The group did manage to hit 2 parked vehicles with an accidental discharge when they attempted to destroy a loaded muzzleloader with a saw at the Old Orchard Beach Police station.

    Public Service Interruptions: None

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