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About the Author: NC Scout

NC Scout is the nom de guerre of a former Infantry Scout and Sergeant in one of the Army’s best Reconnaissance Units. He has combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. He teaches a series of courses focusing on small unit skills rarely if ever taught anywhere else in the prepping and survival field, including his RTO Course which focuses on small unit communications. In his free time he is an avid hunter, bushcrafter, writer, long range shooter, prepper, amateur radio operator and Libertarian activist. He can be contacted at [email protected] or via his blog at .


  1. Anonymous June 20, 2024 at 16:49

    Tell your kids this fact. Remind them yearly. Tell your grandkids this fact. This should never be forgotten.

  2. El Jakeo June 20, 2024 at 21:35

    All success begins @ home.
    All defeat begins @ home.
    The road to hell is paved w/ good intentions.
    You are responsible for those in your home & neighborhood.

  3. Rick June 20, 2024 at 23:09

    Am I wrong to be skeptical here? Project Veritas was famously captured a few month back. Now we have video from them where the identified person basically says “we know it’s a problem but we are trying to fix it by spending money in Central America but now its expanded to Venezuela or whatever bro so its not our fault” (insert sassy gay voice here). The anon guy confirms the right wing suspicions of intentional demographic change. But for optics sake it just seems like it’s a set up. It’s a “not our fault” narrative versus an anon “conspiracy theory” narrative. Maybe I’m jaded?

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