“The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America?
“The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.
They use the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false color of law. They alone select who will be winners and losers in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, education, and do so with complete amorality.
Exposing them by name, their corruption and means of control, and identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power is the first step in the restoration of the United States of America as a constitutional republic.
(Current members of “The Council” include; US Inspector General Michael Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, US Attorney General Merrick Garland, Director Office Professional Responsibility (OPR) Jeffrey Ragsdale, Chief Public Integrity Sector (PIN) Corey Amundson, Deputy USAG Lisa Monaco, 1st Principal Deputy USAG Marshall Miller.)
The Council is an “untouchable,” legislatively codified, sui generis[1] organization with tentacles embedded in every government agency and branch of government except for the Supreme Court of the United States.
From their perspective, they own the United States of America. It is “theirs,” and “they” are its self-appointed stewards. Anyone who is “not them” are “useful idiots,” “useful innocents,” or human chattel to be discarded to necro-politics.[2] The rest of us are expendable “carbon units” assigned positive and negative values depending on our relative usefulness to them. This is their language.
(“Emeritus” and pseudo-current members of “The Council”: Former USAG William Barr, former USAG Jeffrey Rosen, former Deputy USAG Richard Donahue, former FBI Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Director Robert Mueller, former FBI Director James Comey, former USAG Eric Holder, CIGIE “Special Counsel” Jack Smith)
Their construct of reality is more akin to the way a corporate industrial farm executive, in suit and tie, looks upon the stewardship of livestock, or how most humans think of ants. If something is harvestable and profitable, then that respective “carbon unit” has a positive value. If something has a negative value, it is of no consequence, starved, or butchered.
To simplify this construct as a “war” between “good” and “evil” is correct. “The Council” does not operate in a construct of morality and spiritualism.
As the “The Council’s” operations and deceptions are unmasked, it will become clear that there is no “heaven” or “hell,” or divine accountability, from their perspective. “This” is it. “This” is all there is. There is nothing beyond our earthly dimension of concern to them, any more than there might be to a lizard.
Do not trouble yourself yet with the “why” and pathology. When someone is treating you like livestock, it is first necessary for your immediate survival to Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (“OODA”). Unless, of course, you prefer to be a well-behaved, sheered sheep on your way to the slaughterhouse.
For the purposes of this treatise and exposé, it is sufficient that these arch-nemeses of the Constitution have names and faces, and the first phase in the deconstruction of “The Council” is exposing its key players, and how they operate.
A root cause analysis of the reasons for “why things are the way they are” in the United States of America is that the subject (root) and the ultimate goal of these self-entitled “stewards,” is maintaining “state capture,”[3] and “finishing the job” of self-serving objectives to an elite class, euphemized as “progressive social reconstruction,”[4] to ensure their harvest and wealth extraction machine remains uninterrupted.
To this end, “The Council,” in addition to controlling weaponized government agencies through the seventy-four (74) Inspectors General embedded in government agencies, controls a Political Arm, an Intelligence Arm, an Infiltration Arm, a Business Arm, a Propaganda Arm, and an Entertainment Arm.
“The Council” aka “CIGIE” aka “Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency”
The “Inspector General Act of 1978” (the “IG Act”) was legislation introduced by the US Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, in the wake of Watergate and the resignation of President Richard Nixon, to “improve government programs and operations through greater transparency and accountability,” establishing the first twelve (12) presidentially appointed Inspectors General in federal agencies.
As a follow up to the “Public Officials Integrity Act of 1977,” the committee codified the Inspectors General’ unilateral, complete independence from any other government agency management as a key characteristic for success. Only a handful of US Senators, Congressmen, and key public officials were cognizant at that time of the power such an entity would eventually wield. It is relevant but beyond the scope of this article to go back further to the Trilateral Commission and “New Deal.”
This federal agency entity is now more commonly referred to as the “CIGIE” (pronounced as “sig-ee”) by federal employees, but to the power brokers of the United States of America, it remains, and is still referred to, as “The Council.”[5]
Whether the intent of the formation of “The Council” was originally crafted to promote good government stewardship, or malevolently implemented as a tool of progressive social reconstruction, “The Council” has morphed into the master of US politics, policy, and the economy.
They are above the system. Over it. Beyond it. Familial and generational. They are the “them” who now bend the American people and our elected representatives to their will, and up to now, it has all been done in the open, wrapped in the US flag, under false color of law and detriment to the American people.
Every “investigation” of public official malfeasance and corruption falls within the realm of their purview. They unilaterally decide the trajectory of “justice” in the United States, and hence, who is “punished” and who is not. Any appointed or elected public official – including the President of the United States – is ripe for their “investigation,” isolation, smearing, persecution in the guise of prosecution, and destruction at their whim.
They are the puppet masters of a wide variety of boogeymen crafted or adapted to their purposes.
“Root Cause Analysis” (RCA) Litmus Test[6]
The proposition of this treatise, hypothesis, and exposé is that “The Council,” otherwise known as the “CIGIE,” controls the United States of America. While the CIGIE proper, and its Political Arm, Infiltrator Arm, Business Arm, Propaganda Arm, and Entertainment Arm, will first ignore this premise, and savage it when it takes hold with its target audiences, it cannot get around a basic “litmus test” for nearly every ailment of our nation.
Going forward, pick any person, event, issue, indictment, investigation, and incident that has created turmoil in the United States of America,
With the simplest of Internet sleuthing, and even with the “behavioral control” and shaping of Google and burgeoning artificial intelligence search engines, whether a Person of Interest (POI) is a politician, federal judge, senior public official, or even an “ally” or “enemy” of President Trump (as one example), at the root, the hand of “The Council” will be revealed.
All roads lead back to “The Council,” its arms (tentacles) and those they control through threats of investigation, indictment, and prosecution; or conversely, the obstruction of investigations.
The “forcing function” is the threat or obstruction of investigation by “The Council.”
There is one corollary variant to this “litmus test,” which contradicts the basic assumption that “The Council” relies on competent and capable people. While this is most often true for critical path items and issues which cannot be mismanaged, one of the objectives of maintaining “state capture” is to instill an emotion of despair and futility in government. For this purpose, “The Council” delights in installing the inept, colossally stupid, and clownish government officials to frustrate the citizenry. These people fall under the “Bread and Circus – Send in the Clowns” branch of the “Entertainment Arm.”
A few simple hypothetical tests are:
Operation Fast and Furious
Operation Fast and Furious was a botched gun-smuggling operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in 2009-2011. The operation aimed to track the flow of weapons from the United States to Mexico, but it ultimately failed to achieve its goals and led to the loss of thousands of firearms. The ATF allowed licensed gun dealers in the United States to sell firearms to suspected straw purchasers, who would then transport them to Mexico. The ATF hoped to track the weapons and disrupt the cartels’ supply chain. When it failed, and thousands of weapons were lost, and resulted in the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and people above and below the US-Mexico border, it was referred to “The Council” (aka the CIGIE). Former US Attorney General Eric Holder was implicated. Holder was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents related to the sting operation. The controversy led to multiple investigations, including one by the Department of Justice’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The investigation was obstructed, languished, and finally dropped in 2019. Nothing happened besides silence from “The Council.”
For that matter, a primary target of “The Council” in protecting US interests and the citizenry should presumably be “the cartels,” yet they continue to not only exist, but flourish at the largesse of “The Council.”
The Fast and Furious example follows a simple trajectory:
- “The Council” conducts, or authorizes, an unlawful operation.
- “The Council” or perpetrators get caught.
- “The Council” obstructs investigations from oversight (Congress and the federal courts), and instead “investigates” itself.
- The investigation is undocumented, correspondence unserialized undiscoverable, or hidden, and the investigation and case dropped.
Virtually all people and things that emanate from “The Council” serve them, and all investigations that implicate them, or anyone under their protection, is mitigated or dropped.
Anyone who challenges or interferes with “The Council” is referred for investigation, indicted, prosecuted, and destroyed.
Hidden in Plain Sight (“HPS”)
The Council (CIGIE) actively fosters and uses “conspiracy theories” and “gaslighting” to mask their identities, purpose and power.
Would be rulers don’t play with toys or things, they play with people, and their emotions.
Boogeymen like “the Swamp,” “progressives,” “the cabal,” “the deep state,” “neocons,” “communists,” “Q,” the DNC and GOP “Uniparty,” “RINO’s,” “election deniers,” “January 6-ers,” the “central bank,” “Diversity Equality Inclusion (DEI),” “antivaxxers,” “far right” and “far left” organizations with or without manifestos, are all tools they either coin, create, or leverage that effectively mask the immense power and relatively small numbers of “The Council.”
The Council sets other individual misfits and misanthropes in motion, and both domestic and foreign terrorist organizations that they create, infiltrate, or allow to exist, to execute violence when it suits their purpose to polarize and further confuse the US public.
This permits “The Council” and their minions to hide in plain sight, while they “fundamentally transform” our nation into a manageable collective of living carbon units to serve their needs.
There is no “Deep State,” “New World Order” or “New Society” as far as “The Council” is concerned. There is only their Order.
Organizational Structure
There is a well-designed selection and culling process crafted over the past five decades since the legislative birth of “The Council” in 1978. “The Council” cultivates prospective members as government administrators, public officials, operators (intelligence), embedded agency Inspectors General, informants, entertainers, and personalities.
Career stops to seats on “The Council” are akin to military career paths with “command tours” that include “Special Counsels,” Directorships of premier government agencies. and “Chief of Staff” billets. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), federal Intelligence agencies, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Office of Personnel Management (OPM) – are all highly coveted “plum” command billets.[7]
For clarification, “The Council” is not a separate branch of “government.” Rather, “The Council” controls the Government for their own personal advantage.
A full listing of US Inspectors General for seventy-four (74) federal agencies can be found at: https://www.ignet.gov/content/inspectors-general-directory and https://cloud.patriot.online/s/T7j5qP9DkApGsJJ
To serve the culture of pathological narcissism or maintain karmic balance[8], “The Council” seems perpetually compelled to publicly announce their intentions before execution. They telegraph every intention and plan. All the public must do is listen to them and believe they will do what they say.
Recognizing “The Council’s” hierarchal structure and karmic announcements are the first steps in exposing them. We explain this herein and conclude with proposed solutions on how to counter this insidious organization and regain control of our Republic.
Operational Structure
The most important takeaway from this treatise and exposé is that “The Council” leaders do NOT report to the President of the United States, US Senators and Congressman, their appointed Cabinets, and Directors of federal agencies. Rather, politicians are beholden to “The Council.”
“The Council’s” “Political Arm” are those politicians selected, installed, and protected – by “The Council” – to do their bidding and implement their directives and policy. In return for these politicians’ fealty and submission, they indirectly wield the power of “The Council” with complete immunity from laws and the Constitution. “The Council” is solely responsible for investigating crimes, or obstructing investigations and attacking and disposing of anyone who might attempt to hold them, and their agents, accountable. All federal “whistleblowers” must, as a matter of law, report to their respective Inspectors General, and defacto “The Council.”
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