Biden-Harris DHS Admin Funds Effort To ‘Sway The Outcome’ Of Elections By Naturalizing Immigrants

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The Biden-Harris Department of Homeland Security gave over $800,000 to an organization that naturalizes non-citizen immigrants residing in the United States and mobilizes them to vote in order to “sway the outcome” of national elections.

The organization, called the National Partnership for New Americans (NPNA), which was spotlighted in a recent Daily Wire investigation, works to naturalize non-citizens before mobilizing them as voters, boasting in 2020 that “new American voters form critical voting blocks that can have the power to sway national electoral outcomes.”

The Biden-Harris DHS granted $880,662 to the organization in 2022, $740,965 of which has already been paid out, to support the group’s “southern region citizenship initiative.” The funding specifically went to support the organization’s efforts in Alabama, Louisiana, and North Carolina, the last of which is one of seven swing states. NPNA also counts George Soros’ Open Society Foundation among its funders.

NPNA works to naturalize non-citizen immigrants with explicitly political motives, even maintaining demographic reports of the key swing states that decide America’s presidential election and ran a “new American voters” campaign in 2020 that called immigrant voters a “sleeping political giant.”

The grant reaffirms concerns from prominent conservatives, including Elon Musk and Senator Ted Cruz, that the Democratic Party could be using mass immigration to further their political power. Cruz contended that Harris supports mass immigration because it will shift America “dramatically to the Left,” allowing Democrats to “win every election forever,” while Musk warned that illegal immigration inflates population figures, granting Democrats more Congressional seats and votes in the electoral college.

New data indicates that illegal alien and broader non-citizen voting could potentially sway the outcome of the presidential election. Research from the Center for Immigration Studies found that, depending on their candidate preference, just 4.5 percent of voting-age illegal aliens and other non-citizens would have to vote in Georgia to eclipse the state’s 2020 margin of victory. In Arizona, just 5.1 percent of voting-age illegal aliens and other non-citizens would have to vote.

NPNA has numerous partner organizations, including the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), which has also received money from the Biden-Harris administration’s DHS. The organization works to “dismantle the U.S. immigration enforcement system” and teaches illegal immigrants “how to protect themselves against Immigration and Customs Enforcement” while working to halt deportations, The Daily Wire reported.

By Published On: October 31, 2024Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Biden-Harris DHS Admin Funds Effort To ‘Sway The Outcome’ Of Elections By Naturalizing Immigrants

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


