ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Revealing the Coming American Hyperinflation Via Recollection of an American in Zimbabwe During Mugabe’s Manic Money Printing-The $1,243,255,000 Lunch For Three

Paying for bananas in Harare circa 2008 Photo Credit: Alexander Joe/AFP/Getty images

By Stan Szymanski and Jack Lawson

Everyone is on edge over the coming Presidential Election… so we thought we’d try to focus your attention on an issue that, regardless of who becomes President, that every person will have to deal with.

What is HyperInflation?

…Hyperinflation is a term that describes and measures rapid, excessive, and out-of-control general price increases that result in extreme inflation. Inflation measures the pace of rising prices for goods and services in an economy. Hyperinflation indicates uncontrollable price increases over a defined period, typically measuring more than 50% per month.’…(Investopedia)

There are many who do not believe that hyperinflation as defined above could ever happen here in America. No one expected it to happen in Weimar Germany (1920’s), Hungary (1945-1946), Yugoslavia (1990’s under Milosevic) or in Zimbabwe (2000’s). But happen it did.

…’Hyperinflation doesn’t occur often, however, and it usually has a definitive cause such as war, natural disasters, or political corruption.’…(What Is Hyperinflation? Causes, Effects, Examples, and How to Prepare)

Does America ‘check the boxes’ as mentioned above (war, natural disasters and political corruption) as a ‘definitive cause’ for hyperinflation? Let us examine each:


America has been fighting a proxy war with Russia since 2014. Yes-I said 2014. The war actually started with theMaidan (Color) Revolution’ where the US overthrew a duly elected government in the Ukraine with much of the effort apparently spearheaded by Victoria Nuland. The Russian ‘Special Military Operation’ that began February 22, 2022 into Ukraine was Mr. Putin repelling the NATO/American armaments and troops from his country’s border.

America has now spent in the hundreds of billions of dollars of aid just to the Ukraine and there is no indication this aid will stop. In fact, this aid will probably increase as will American and NATO direct involvement.

In 2022 America literally left behind (gave away) $85 Billion Dollars of American military hardware in Afghanistan.

Right now nearly 1/3 of entire U.S. Navy deployed to Middle East. If this isn’t a harbinger for war-I don’t know what is.

Don’t forget about China’s constant reminder that they want to take Taiwan back into the Chinese fold (even though Taiwan was -never- part of China)…and America has said that it will defend Taiwan…just one more mark in the checkboxes for -war-…

And we would be remiss if we did not talk about the possibility for Civil War in America as Elon Musk and General Flynn remind us:

…’Musk has received encouragement on X for sharing the idea of a civil war, including from prominent figures. “Not inevitable…it’s underway,” wrote Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser in the Trump administration, in response to a tweet from Musk about civil war earlier this month. Flynn was pardoned by Trump after pleading guilty to lying to the FBI about his communications with a Russian diplomat. Flynn did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday about his civil war statement. . ‘…(NBC News)

Natural Disasters:

It would not be a stretch to add ‘pestilence’ to the ‘Natural Disasters’ list. We know that Monkey Pox’ is just around the corner. Of course, we have to consider the effect of the 17 Million dead worldwide due to the Covid JAB:

…’Based on their calculations and extrapolated to the world, the researchers estimated the vaccines caused approximately 17 million deaths, confirming the results of their previous research on a smaller data set. That means vaccines were a primary cause of death, and they found that the vaccine dose fatality rate — the chances of dying from the vaccine — increased with age and with the number of doses.’… (The Defender)

Also, the propensity for a ‘Mega Quake’; more specifically-Cascadia is overdue (Please check out’ Cascadia-The Big One’ by Steve Quayle). Am I being a “Casandra” in naming this as a probability? Hardly. Ask those who have been through other damaging natural events. Then ask those who have been through a severe earthquake. They will tell you, hands down, it is by far the worst of natural disasters. It’s not “if” …but “when”

Political Corruption:

This category needs no further qualification. America is number 1 when it comes to legislative malfeasance. Those accused and caught don’t even bother to hide it now. This is all a precursor for the big show. It’s about the money. The money of our country. And the money of our country has been totally comprised and corrupted.

This fact was laid bare for all to see during the Great Financial Crisis (GFC 2007-2008). The countries of the world no longer wanted to have their financial futures in the hands of a faltering, fraudulent and controlling world hegemon. The next year in 2009 was the first annual meeting of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations. Now, 15 years later the BRICS stand on the cusp of raising the standard of a new, competing world reserve currency.

159 Countries Set to Adopt BRICS New Payment System’ sets the stage for what is to come. Simply put, the majority of the nations of the world will be adopting membership in an international payment system (BRICS) that will compete against the now 51 year old SWIFT payment system run by the west.

The importance of this fact is that countries of the world are tired of the west using the SWIFT System, controlled by the Fiat Central bankers, to inflict sanctions on countries they don’t like and financially rape the poor. If you want an entertaining and informative book, read “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” by John Perkins to see how devious and ruthless the Western Industrial and Financial interests are, filtering down even into supposed Relief and Financial Aid organizations.

The BRICS nations want a fairer system, especially the countries of lesser economic means. The BRICS countries do not want a currency that is only backed by a printing press and men with guns. Economist Paul Krugman famously quipped :“fiat currencies have underlying value because men with guns say they do.” (Mark Stuart Day)

…”The new BRICS currency will be backed in this manner: 30% Russian Ruble, 30% Chinese Yuan and 40% GOLD.’…(Bryan Byrne)

Yes, the Ruble and the Yuan are both fiat currencies. But their central banks have bought much of the gold that central banks have bought since the GFC. Of course, the BRICS currency will benefit their countries a lot.

But the fact that the BRICS currency is backed by a very substantial portion of gold will literally make all the difference on the world. No longer do the countries of the world have to rely on a global hegemon (the U.S.) who owns the printing press and benefits from doing so through this power. They now can have and transact in a currency that is backed by what has been money for 5,000 years – Gold.

When the majority of the nations of the world adopt the BRICS currency and payment system (which may be announced as early as October 2024 at the annual BRICS summit-this year in Moscow)-this will be an inflationary and quite possibly in time, a hyperinflationary event for the US and those who continue to hold whatever wealth that they have in US Dollars.

The world is now shedding its holdings of U.S. Treasuries. Treasuries finance the debt of the USA. If there are few or no buyers-How will the debt get financed? Interest rates may have to give to sky-high rates to get any international investors to take the risk of owning a U.S. Treasury.

The US has over $35 Trillion in debt and it is now growing at a rate of $1 Trillion every 100 days or so.

I have stated everything above to make my point: At some time in the relatively near future, Americans will face a debt default. Economist Martin Armstrong has said as much:

…“I think the US could default on its debt as early as 2025, but probably in 2027.”

We have kicked the can down the road as far as we can go.

It’s not just in the United States. All of continental Europe is in the same situation as well as England. So is Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South Korea and Canada. This will affect every country that has a Fiat Based Currency. Currency that is digitized or paper with no tangible commodity backing. This is why they need war’…(Zero Hedge)

If the money of the United States is worth nothing or virtually nothing then, your fistful of dollars will do you no good. If you have been saving your whole life in financial assets that are denominated in US dollars (401(k), pension, bank account etc…) you are in for a world of hurt (IMHO). Only the things that still have value-typically commodities will do one any good. What are they? Gold, silver, food, water, shelter, energy, protection and communications to name a few (This is not financial advice-please consult a financial professional).

America has never had such an unimaginable avalanche of problems all threatening at one time to crash through the roof on us. Any one of which can cause others to happen, like billiard balls causing a chain reaction in hitting others and those hit in turn colliding into yet others on the pool table. In addition to the above three items, these issues are…

-Expansion of conventional WWIII, now ongoing and or low-level nuclear exchange

-Massive core value, ideological and political polarization and division of Americans

-Breakdown of law-and-order and the judicial system

-Civil unrest leading to violent confrontation causing Martial Law Lockdowns

-Infrastructure power grid interruption and cyberattacks

-ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) causing grid down total electronic destruction

 TO UNDERSTAND HOW HYPERINFLATION WILL AFFECT THE COMMON PERSON and to see inside the failure of a corrupt currency, we have to look at a failed state that has experienced this. Zimbabwe, formerly the British Colony and wealthy “Bread Basket of Africa” …named Rhodesia.


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We fortunately have Mr. Jack Lawson, who not only served overseas in Zimbabwe (formerly known as Rhodesia) and lived through this, but married a lovely lady from there as well. They give real life examples… as people on the ground can be the best lessons.

Jack has served in the United States Air Force as a missile guidance and SAFO nuclear arming controls electronic technician and the Foreign Legion in Africa as a member of an airborne rapid deployment force in a guerrilla war.

He has written and published many essays and other books including The Slavers Wheel, And We Hide From The Devil, In Defense and of course what you need on your bookshelf at home -now-, Civil Defense Manual Volumes 1 and 2.

Stan: Zimbabwe is one of the most recent and stomach turning examples of hyperinflation due to a corrupted country and corrupted currency. Can you start by laying out the conditions in this country that led up to the point of financial collapse through hyperinflation?

Jack: Stan, a flood of memories come to me and there is an enormous amount to write about in explaining what happened in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe to your Readers, in one continuous essay. The complexities of Africa and the history of the country Rhodesia, prior to Hyperinflation, are complex and the Western information on it, is very distorted and much of it is “feel good” outright lies. (We will provide a link to a deeper dive into each section of Jack’s experience in Zimbabwe for those who want to know more when you see LINK at proceeding sections in this article.)

For convenience, I will present an overview of the Hyperinflation situation in your posted article here.

Stan, you’re the financial expert, so this will not be anything new to you. I’ve learned a lot about economic and financial theory and reality from you because you have lived in that world. As you well know, printing money that has no tangible collateral backing is the primary cause of Hyperinflation, which money is called Fiat Currency. That’s just like endlessly writing checks on a bank checking account, that is overdrawn to start with, like the currency… would cause the checks to be declared worthless by all.

Such is the same with countries that endlessly print money… soon no one wants anything they value to be held in that currency.

Understand that what will happen to the United States through inflation MAY take longer… because the American Dollar is still OFFICIALLY the world’s International Trade currency but it is now being endlessly printed in paper or digitally “printed.” However, so far at present time since the real beginning of BRICS in International Trade, about six years ago… the American Dollar’s use in percentage of International Trade, compared to the BRICS and other currencies and trading methods has dramatically dropped.

Zimbabwean Hyperinflation Wheelbarrow Photo Credit: Keri Peardon

BRICS, as you well know, is the financial association of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa that is conducting International Trade that avoids the United States Dollar and the SWIFT Exchange System. BRICS and SCO (Shanghai Cooperative Organization) now constitute 58 percent of all world International Trade. That is not what you will hear from the Western bankers and economists who constantly talk about the United States Dollar as the “preferred” and “dominant” International Trade currency.

Contrary to what you’re told by our U.S. Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the United States Government and the Mainstream News Media, the American Dollar is no longer “preferred” by foreigners. That trend is accelerating by the month. With the HUGE debt America is relentlessly piling up, which increasingly makes the Dollar less valuable, the American Dollar will be worthless, unless something is done.

IMHO however, nothing will be done to stop the destruction of the American Dollar.

I believe the Globalist-Elite-Leftist-Communist-Internationals-One World Order- Woke & Whackos want this financial collapse as they believe that the only way to build their “Utopia” is using the rubble of the Constitutional United States as a building foundation.

As David Stockman states on Robert Gore’s StraightlineLogic.com… Stockman aptly describes them, the “beltway blob-controlled Democrats” in league with the other UNIPARTY Blob politicians… will not stop it… or can stop it, in his estimation.

Me being a Midwest farm boy… this is my description from observations of base selfish animal behavior on the farm. Like hogs feeding at the trough these, fused together by greed and gluttony UniParty Democrat/Republicans will continue to gorge themselves at the feeding trough and wallow in the mud and lay in the shytte… until the butcher appears in their life.

As a farm boy… I know that the butcher of the meatpacking plant is an unknown to the pig but eventually becomes a fatal reality in every pig’s life. The butcher will become a reality to these pigs after they consume everything in the farmyard and destroy the farm.

I further believe it is too late, regardless of who occupies the White House and controls congress after this 2024 election, to correct the decades of debt and currency debasement. Most likely sooner than people think, the economy will implode on the pigs at the trough, the American Public, America and will spread destruction to all of the rest of the Fiat Currency World Countries.

Most people say to themselves when they read these warnings… “Oh my God!

These people are ‘out there!’ I’ve heard this so many times before!” Well if you think Stan and I are having “Cassandra dreams” or are continuing to beat the “It will happen negative gloom and doom drum,” look at the issues in Stan’s preface prior to my involvement in this interview. Any one of, just this myriad of issues, can and will eventually happen. When any one of them does, it will cause a chain reaction as the catalyst to cause others to occur in the downhill race to financial doom.

What you will read about happened in Zimbabwe, like other countries that have experienced Hyperinflation, is that “inflation starts to feed on itself” and at that point, no man, institution, country or galactic entity can stop it. Future economic indicators show that we are close to that tipping point, of inflation feeding on itself and out of control.


What becomes of NO VALUE during and at the end of Hyperinflation:

No printed piece of paper (paper dollars/bonds/financial certificates/depository receipts or Gold/Silver/Precious Metals Storehouse paper receipts) have any value at the end of the destruction of Fiat Currency from Hyperinflation. The word “Fiat” means by authority, by king or by government authorization. A decree “Fiat Currency” has nothing backing it except statements like… “Backed by the full faith and confidence of the United States Government.” Words.

No digital entry (bank/Savings/retirement accounts, stocks bonds) have any value at the end of the destruction of Fiat Currency from HyperInflation. Again, the word “Fiat” means by authority, by king or by government authorization and “Digital Currency” is less robust than “Decree backed paper Currency.” It consists of arbitrary computer “ones” and “zeros.” It still has nothing backing it except the same statements such as… “Backed by the full faith and confidence of the United States Government.” Words. The exception MAY be Crypto Currencies, which the base value of is supposedly impervious to purposeful inflation, as backed by block chain restricted mathematics systems that limit creation.

Only that which is material and or tangible and that you have in your physical possession (like I can hold in my grubby little paws or be in absolute physical control and possession of) at the final collapse of a Fiat Currency through HyperInflation, ends with having any value. Everything else is a promise of value as fleeting as the wind and words… “Fiat” …and worthless. Think of what the wind blowing through tree branches and rustling the leaves is worth to you after it fleetingly moves on. Gone… with nothing to show. If you catch a falling leaf blown off the tree by that wind, you at least have something tangible.

Current American “Low-Level Inflation” will destroy us because of the real “Cost of Living” Inflation

Until Hyperinflation comes about though, you don’t have to have 50% inflation monthly, as is the definition above, to create suffering in America, its economic destruction and its people’s ability not to live with their decreased buying power. If people want to continue with their illusionary belief that the Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA) factor or the Consumer Price Index (CPI) factor is 1 to 3 percent… keep on truckin’. You’re watching too much of the Mainstream News Media or listening to government bullshytte.

These present inflationary factors are real price increases pure and simple. If the Federal Government… who by law has to adjust employee payrolls, pensions and benefits to compensate the American Public for increases in living cost… adjusted them to the true increase per year, the United States. Would. Collapse. Within. Three. Years. Period. Maybe sooner.

America is now experiencing around 12 percent inflation PER YEAR that will crush America in a few short years. When pushing the LINK anywhere in this article, you will read stories of HyperInflation madness and of some outlandish things that happen that become a normal part of living in a HyperInflation existence. My Wife’s family and I lived through it. Only in this case, unlike Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, there is generally no place outside the United States that is a safe haven that you can legally have your worth to keep its value (Unlike the Rhodesia-Zimbabwean “The Do-It-Yourself Backyard Concrete Yacht”) Here… that’s it! It’s Custer’s Last Stand!

Rhodesia, present day Zimbabwe, lies just north of South Africa in the southern half of the African Continent between Central Africa (the Congo) and South Africa. It is a land locked country with no ocean ports, sandwiched between the countries of Mozambique on the East and Botswana/Angola on the West. (#1 LINK)

Photo Credit: ontheworldmap.com

In the war fought there, the Western Liberals and Communists backed the Rhodesian “liberation movement” taking the side also with their “Arch Enemies” the Soviet Union, North Korea, the Communist Eastern Bloc and Communist China. It should more correctly have been labeled a Communist insurgency, against black and white African Rhodesians. The “Liberation Leadership,” Communists who took control of Zimbabwe abused the country and people of Zimbabwe so severely, that it has embarrassed these Western Liberals and Communists. So, they bury most news of the abuses. They can’t face the reality of what happens when their illusionary crusades become human reality. I no longer believe the Western Media or its governments.

“Before firsthand witnessing what happened in Rhodesia and what was being reported by the Western News Media or by American Government sources, I never a questioned what was in the news or what we were being told, about anything. I simply believed what the government and news media said. I now believe NOTHING they say… after coming back from Rhodesia and reading and hearing the lies of what I saw and experienced.”- Jack Lawson

Stan: Were there price controls on food and other commodities?

Jack: Price Controls-When inflation began to get out of control, the Zimbabwe Communist government instituted Price Controls on everything. Too little… too late… and Communist Cosmic Economic Nonsense. Shelves quickly went empty. A decree was made by Zimbabwe’s dictator that “Inflation is illegal” and it and anyone involved with it was subject to arrest. Kind of like declaring Gravity Illegal and threatening to arrest gravity and all people involved with it. (#2 LINK)

Factories, processors and suppliers who got paid less than it cost to make food and products could not stay in business. Factories and suppliers simply shut down, which immediately caused 95% unemployment. So now, in addition to other intrinsic escalating food and living costs, most people were out of work and had no income. Regardless, Price Controls made the store shelves empty.

Stan: Were there shortages due to hoarding or profit gouging?

Jack: As far as hoarding-The store shelves emptied so quickly that there was nothing to buy to hoard. Most Rhodesians stored little food because of the food system there. Most of their food system dealt with fresh but perishable food. Little food was packaged for long-term storage… which made hoarding next to impossible. (#3 LINK)

For instance, the butcher delivered fresh cut meat to your home within the hour by bicycle courier. The same went for bread and milk with one phone call. Periodic grocery shopping provided the remainder of food for the table, most of which was also perishable. The major retail grocer was Spar Grocery Chain Stores in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe, owned by a Dutch company, plus other small independently owned grocers.

Little food was kept on hand by most people, the same as little is kept on hand by Americans. The difference being that African perishable food was mostly locally grown and distributed, fresh, abundant, free of pesticides and chemical treatments, unadulterated with preservatives and readily available with customary phone calls or a quick trip to the store. Perishable foods could also be brought from small farms to the city quickly, much like America’s former “Garden to Table” food system prior to the 1960s.

The problem became not only having food to buy but having the money to buy it as the food prices soared and the currency became increasingly worthless. Wages couldn’t keep up with the inflation. Soon, these small ‘Garden to Table’ local enterprises were overwhelmed as large producers and distributors of food closed their doors. “Inflation was illegal” so they couldn’t raise prices… and since they couldn’t raise prices, they couldn’t make the money to stay open because even the transport cost from farm to town became a big factor in driving costs up over price.

Stan: Were there Black Markets for items of daily living that gave the average person a way to get what they needed?

Jack: The Black Market was a low-level activity until the stores were empty and the government confiscated relief food from outside the country and sold it. I argue now that the government controlled the Black Market but also created the explosion in growth of it, at which the Black Market thrived in Zimbabwe. Not a move was made in the country without the leadership taking billions from the effort. They did so from the Black Market also. (#4 LINK)

The government seized EVERYTHING coming into the country then sold it on the Black Market, creating a second-tier economic system in Zimbabwe. The army and police immediately took control of all international relief as mega tons of it flowed into Zimbabwe from an abundant, compassionate and generous International Community horrified by the starvation of Zimbabweans.

The Zimbabwe Mugabe government became literally the largest food supplier and “grocery store” in Africa through this Black Market. What relief supplies the Government could get more money for exporting to other countries, than they could get from the Zimbabwe Black Market, they did… despite the populace starving.

Most all vegetables and meat were grown and processed from countryside gardens and wild animals and brought to city street vendor markets as stores closed because of inflation and the decree of arrest. Sanitation stopped to a large degree because of Leadership diversion of money and zero motivation to deal with this issue… that is critical to any society. Vegetables locally grown in Africa look so brilliantly fresh and nutritious… however, some are washed in unhygienic water that contains fecal matter, bacteria and parasites. Humans get sick and get parasites.

Sanitation and Garbage Men are the unsung heroes the world round. Without them, as in Zimbabwe at the time, it started an epidemic of Cholera along with Dysentery and Typhus. Thousands died because the Communist leader Mugabe totally ignored this crisis. He further prevented anyone in the government to treat or even acknowledge that, in Zimbabwe, AIDS was running rampant and killing people by the thousands.

Stan: What did people do to cope with the situation? How did you do something simple like go out and dine?

Jack: Read the following about the $1,243,255,000.00 Lunch for Three

Photo Credit: Jack Lawson’s Brother-In-Law

Consider my Brother-In-Law taking my Wife and his Mother… my Mother-In-Law… to lunch in Zimbabwe. Over ONE BILLION DOLLARS. He carried two large suitcases along with him, not because anyone was going to travel after supper, but because the supper that cost $70 in U.S. Dollars was paid for in Zimbabwe dollars. The two suitcases were stuffed with small denomination Zimbabwe Dollar Notes which, they needed all of, to pay for this simple night out. If you’ll notice the sales receipt, all those zeros mean something. $95,635,000 dollars for a bottled water!? (#5 LINK)

Example of paying the bill/gratuity during the inflationary heyday in Zimbabwe (Photo Credit: Keri Peardon)

The Zimbabwe Dollar a few a years earlier was almost equal in value to the United States Dollar. Inflation was raging, but this was before the large denomination bills had begun to be printed by the German Printing Company Giesecke & Devrient. By the time the larger denomination bills were printed, shipped to Zimbabwe and circulated, inflation had spiraled beyond the practical use of these new bills. They might be thousand-dollar denominations, but you now needed a suitcase full of them to pay for the $70 USD meal.

Despite the constant looting of the Treasury by government officials, Zimbabwe still had a massive agricultural output. Formerly, Rhodesia fed the entire continent of Africa north of them. During UN Sanctions, Rhodesia brokered agricultural commodities through South Africa, providing Africa with abundant grains to feed virtually the whole of the continent of Africa.

For a few years after Independence, export of agricultural products brought huge amounts of money into the country, which was promptly stolen and sent out of the country. But then to add stupid to recklessness, greed and corruption, the Zimbabwe government encouraged the black Africans to murder and brutalize the remaining white and black farmers, driving them off. These huge and efficient agricultural operations ceased functioning and the government confiscated the farmland and distributed the land to their “supporters” and “war veterans” during the “Liberation” war.

Many of these “war veterans” hadn’t even been born until after the war was over so this was a sham to keep Mugabe in power. The blacks who took possession of the farmland had no idea how to farm, so fertile land was soon covered with weeds and ‘State-of-the-Art’ modern farm machinery sat rusting. Within a couple of years, Zimbabwe was begging for international food aid to prevent massive starvation.

100 Trillion Dollar Zimbabwe notes blew around on the streets and no one bothered to stoop over to pick them up as they were no more valuable than the trash blowing around the streets. The banks ran out of room in their vaults and stacked their money in bales towering up the walls to the ceilings and in every conceivable spare space. They locked the bank doors at night but with little worry about robbery. It was too much work to carry all those bales of money out for what they were worth. Eventually nothing.

Stan: What was it like for the average person just walking out of their house to go to work or the market? Was it safe?

Jack: Dangerous. However, after starvation begins to set in… usually within three weeks, people turn literally into zombies. The brain does not function properly because of lack of carbohydrates that allow brain neurons to fire allowing thought. The body becomes too weak to rob anyone, except another weaker starving person… which person usually has nothing. (#6 LINK)

The police and military ruled with an iron hand. Most whites, who had not been totally financially destroyed, were living in protected areas or walled in houses with guards. What is uncertain to me is if the starving resorted to cannibalism. Probably so, but the Communist government stopped anything detrimental to the image of their Communist “Utopia” getting into the news… including that, if it occurred and the fact that AIDS in Zimbabwe was out of control and killing the population.

A bit of advice to International Travelers. Buy a low-cost insurance policy that immediately flies you back to the United States, if traveling abroad and you get sick or injured. You DO NOT want to get a blood transfusion in Africa because of AIDs. Well, maybe not here either because of the Covid mRNA contamination.

People traveled outside the walls of their houses with bodyguards if they could afford to hire them. Sometimes just feeding a bodyguard and their family got you protection. Being a bodyguard or working for a well to do black or white homeowner ensured you had food. Laws had been passed in Rhodesia before Independence that a homeowner had the responsibility to feed black Africans in their employ the same as they put on the plates to feed themselves and their family.

What was on a white or black African employer’s plate to eat, the same food of the same quality had to be fed to the black African employee.

Stan: Was law enforcement still on the job?

Jack: Law and Order and Safety. In a dictatorship, the police never sleep. Not because they want to protect the citizenry against crime… it is the aspect of societal order that motivates them, only to maintain the control of the government over all others. (#7 LINK)

Despite the starving people, the police and army were well fed and kept order. They would shoot to kill any looters or rioters on sight to keep total chaos from occurring. The non-government people who could afford to, white and black Zimbabweans, banded together and had food brought in on guarded convoys from South Africa or their relatives in South Africa provided food for them brought in on these convoys. The leadership had their own abundant food supply of whatever they could imagine brought into their gated and guarded enclave.

The countries of Africa are now all Majority Rule and that means black African rule. At least the Colonists had some sense of decency in them when it came to incarcerating people by prison and jails. The black African countries have now perfected the wall-less and invisible barbed wire jail and prison. After starving those incarcerated for a month, the prisoner has become like a zombie with little strength and virtually no brain activity to think about escaping or enabling them to escape.

They are just in a daze and can’t form a single thought. They sit aimlessly and can barely move. They are prisoners of their minds and weak bodies. Of course, when the torture gets bad enough, the tendency is to escape, so there are walls and barbed wire and guards and dogs. But that’s what most African prisons and jails have become, torture centers. Do a ‘deep dive’ on the internet on what the Africans do to their prisoners.

It is so bad, that a veteran British Broadcasting War Correspondent-Cameraman, filming the corpses of two black Africans who decided to be brave and stand in the line to vote against Mugabe in the subsequent elections, just “disappeared,” later found in a ditch. The cameraman vomited. The dead and mangled were nothing new to this hardened cameraman until he saw these two. Barbarically and grotesquely tortured so that he vomited. The black African brings new meaning to the saying… “I’ll get medieval on you!”

It’s BAD… Bad. Beyond. Your. Wildest. Imagination, Bad. I’ve seen enough of it up close and personal. Take my word for it, you don’t want to know about it… you won’t sleep at night.

Stan: Did people flee the country?

Jack: At Independence, 260,000 whites lived in Zimbabwe. Ten years later 220,000 or more of them had left, moving permanently to England, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United States. That left somewhere between 30 to 40,000 whites living in Zimbabwe. A couple years after “Independence” in 1980, almost all whites had left the army and police forces. The Communist government, afraid that the white led army and police that had defeated them in the war, could still remove them from power, paid the remaining whites and blacks who had morals and character, severance pay to resign and leave. (#8 LINK)

This consolidated their control of the army, police and country through their remaining terrorist “forces,” that had been integrated into the army and police. It also removed opposition to the Mugabe government bringing in the barbaric North Korean Fifth Brigade to help them brutally secure against a counter revolution going on, led by Joshua Nkomo’s Matabele Tribe, that they soon massacred along with white farmers protesting the killings. A further threat came from black and white Africans… increasingly angry as the Communists destroyed Zimbabwe.

The following never made Western news as they had backed the Communists against the Rhodesian blacks and whites and are embarrassed by incidents and atrocities like these. At one point after Independence and the establishment of “Majority Rule,” over 200,000 blacks converged on the former Rhodesian white Prime Minister and decorated WWII fighter pilot Ian Smith’s farm, begging him to take over the government and run it as he had before.

This good man Smith started feeding the Africans gathered there and soon ran out of food. He told them he would not engage in politics because of his age and told them to leave and peacefully change the present corrupt government through elections and peaceful protest.

These people did what former Prime Minister suggested. I was sent a video by an English Friend who was in my Commando back in the day, of a blood-soaked young black in his teens being hurriedly carried down an alley for first aid. You could hear shooting in the background. I assumed that the young man had been hit in the femur by a large caliber bullet, probably a Russian 12.7 MM, which is equivalent to the American .50 Caliber round. This is the caliber of the anti-aircraft, light anti-armor and anti- personnel machine guns mounted on Chinese Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs).

This black kid’s leg was nearly cut in two and dangling from his jeans as he was being hurriedly carried down an alley from the shooting. I am guessing that many were killed, as whites and blacks protested in an area of the Capitol of Harare. Protest of the ongoing starvation, the conduct of the corrupt Communist Leadership and general suffering of life in Zimbabwe… a once abundant country.

I further suspect that many, if not most, of the whites protesting were whites who had moved to Rhodesia decades ago at the urging of the International Communist Party and quietly laid the groundwork for the coming Communist Government to replace that of Rhodesia’s. They were instrumental in the forced immediate transition to black Majority Rule and the expulsion of the duly elected Methodist Bishop Abel Muzorewa to be replaced by their Communist choice of Robert Mugabe. Almost Biblical… “What you sow… you shall reap!” or the spirit of such phrases.

They were, of course, betrayed by the dictators posing as Communists, which is what happens in every Communist society. They had waited patiently for their Communist Utopia, which never materialized and now, frustrated and angry that their illusion was being hijacked by these Communist “leaders,” they turned to protest.

The Zimbabwe Government’s answer was simple. Something like this… imagine 20 or so, armored Personnel Carriers pulling up to the protest and spreading out into a skirmish line formation… then began machine gunning whites and blacks. End. Of. Protest.

The wholesale slaughter of people that happened there won’t happen in America… as long as we’re armed… I repeat… as long as we’re armed. Even well-trained soldiers don’t like the populace shooting back at them.

Stan: How could employers even keep employees if their wage bought only about half the food today that it could buy yesterday due to the hyperinflation?

Jack: My Father-In-Law owned the most sophisticated printing company in Zimbabwe on the African Continent. It was a well-equipped former Canadian Company he’d run for years and eventually purchased privately after UN sanctions and the political correctness of the Canucks influenced them to sell it. He had huge ‘State of the Art’ 150-foot-long lithograph high-speed printing presses of over 2 million dollars cost each and over one hundred employees. Most of his employees were educated and talented blacks, Orientals, whites, Hispanics and Asian Indians. (#9 LINK)

My Father-In-Law was respected by his workers who were extremely loyal to him for his leadership and fairness. He kept increasing their pay to match inflation and started to give them an hour off at noon. He would pay them at the beginning of that hour off. His employees would then go quickly to a large nearby grocery store, buy their groceries and come back to work. If he made them work all day and shop after work… instead of buying groceries half way through the day… the groceries would cost TWICE as much. That is how bad inflation got… food was doubling in price in ONE DAY.

He, like most businesses, employed a sliding scale for cost of finished products. Just as the customer who bought from him and sold to another business did. This worked for a while until the inflation got so out of control that the time element destroyed the ability to price anything over a few hours’ time. It got to the point that a week to process anything was disastrous to price. No one had the wildest idea of what imported replacement ink and paper would cost for the next job. But if the customer needed it, they would buy it and relied on the honesty of fair pricing for a fair profit.

Soon, foreign imports stopped because the Zimbabwe Dollar was worthless and Zimbabwe had no foreign currency to pay for imports, because the leadership was stealing foreign currency directly from the Treasury the moment it came in to the Treasury.

Stan: What it was like for the well to do and employers?

Jack: “The Family Get Together”…As inflation raged and sources of money to steal disappeared, the government, through the secret police, began to focus on the wealthy. Wealthy blacks and wealthy whites were arrested and taken to Chikurubi Prison. Not just the man of the family but the entire family was arrested and put in cells… the men, women, elderly, children and babies of the wealthy. Then, as my Father-In-Law told me the story in the instance of a white guy, who supposedly had $480 million dollars out of the country, they jailed 30 some of three generations of his family. (#10 LINK)

As the story was told to my Father-In-Law, the secret police selected a child to “interrogate” on a table in view of the entire family. If the story is true, let your imagination run of what they did to this child to the shock, horror and screams of the, siblings, cousins, parents and grandparents. However, it worked wonders. Whatever he had in foreign accounts they got, all account numbers and passwords were obtained, the money was transferred into Mugabe and his henchmen’s accounts. Family then released. Mentally distraught, traumatized… and penniless.

Many rumors like this were circulating in Zimbabwe. After seeing and hearing of other atrocities by the Communist thuggery, I have no doubt that most or all of them were true. The suspicion being that a wealthy black bus line or trucking company owner or white factory owner had money outside the country. In most cases, it was true… and the leadership criminals wanted it… for themselves. The wealth distribution of Communism. This caused a further exodus of black and white Africans… people critical to keeping the country’s economic system afloat.

My Father-In-Law, being a person of vision that he was, saw the problems coming decades earlier and got most of his worth out of the country. He is lucky he wasn’t targeted like other wealthy people. He may have been given a pass, from what you will read he went through, because the government had their eye on his factory for printing Zimbabwe Currency and would have needed him… for a while at least.

There were reportedly some five times the number of black multi-millionaires than white multi-millionaires in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe. Many of them with millions that they had sent out of the country during less restrictive and better times. The subsequent torture of wealthy blacks and white family members proved the Communist’s theory of Zimbabwean foreign bank accounts. Who says Communists aren’t creative?

Stan: What were the things that people did and could have done if they knew that hyperinflation was on the doorstep before all the horrors of hyperinflation took hold?

Jack: Eventually, there were virtually no imports. Everything we throw away was valuable… it was fixed and sold. Ingenious repairs and rebuilding of EVERYTHING. Literally nothing was trash. If it was tangible and people used it, it was recycled, repaired and sold. For instance, there was no such thing as a “broken toaster.” (#11 LINK)

My Wife helped my Mother-In-Law, who was somewhat of a pack rat and kept much others would throw away, sell her home and possessions there and get her proceeds into money that could be legally sent out of the country after the financial collapse. People flocked to their “yard sales” and the broken toasters were sold for four times the cost of a new one here and paid for in American Dollars. At that time, the American Dollar became the official currency, after the Zimbabwe Dollar went into the oblivion of the galaxies.

The white and black wealthy were very creative in getting money out of the country. I heard of stories of a Zimbabwe factory owner going to Europe to buy equipment for his factory to be shipped to Zimbabwe. The equipment cost three million dollars. However, he’d get a fraudulent invoice and present it to the foreign currency portion of the Treasury that had to approve the expenditure of foreign currency, that the equipment cost four million dollars.

Four million would be paid to the European equipment company who would then pay one million to the factory owner “under the counter.” The factory owner would deposit this money outside the country and use this excess money to buy materials to import or the money would go into the factory owner’s foreign bank account. Since everything they’d worked for their entire life was teetering on the edge of being worthless, these foreign accounts were for their last-ditch survival effort, whatever amount of money it was.

This was one of dozens of clever schemes that ended eventually when the authorities discovered them. As the government caught on to this method of moving money out of the country, they imposed massive deposit charges on goods like yachts going across borders and did exhaustive analysis of foreign purchase valuations. The Rhodesian-Zimbabweans could write a book on how to defeat currency controls.

I remember hearing a story of someone who had a complete diamond finishing shop with skilled black African Gemologists working in it. They were apparently “cutting” diamonds and gems and faceting, lapping and polishing the stones.

The diamonds were allegedly bootlegged out and sold in the diamond district of Amsterdam, Holland. The reason precious stones were secretly finished, was that possessing uncut semi-precious, precious stones and diamonds was an automatic 7-year jail sentence if caught with them. Period. Possession of finished stones was allowed, with the exception of Sandawana Green Emeralds. Diamond possession was safe unless you got caught smuggling them out of Rhodesia-Zimbabwe.

Stan: Jack, in closing-what kind of advice do you have for people given the time we live in?

Jack:Wow Stan! I recommend Readers review your article of two months ago about the possibility of a shipping container/ocean delivery crisis at this link. As that one critical factor will cause a huge amount of inflation and will cost Americans much more to buy just about anything off the shelves that is imported… fuel and most everything else… since we no longer make anything here. That factor is huge increases in the costs of shipping. That should be shocking to anyone…

“As Mr. Byrne stated, this is inflationary. Quite inflationary. With rates for the 40 foot containers going from $1,342 in October 2023 to $5,900 in July of 2024 this represents an increase in the cost of importing goods from overseas (the US imports the most goods in world commerce)…(Byran Byrne)

UP OVER 400% during the aforementioned 20-month period!

This, in combination with the International Longshoremen’s Association Strike, that will probably still happen… and who knows what else.

I advise all Americans to BUCKLE UP… a rough ride coming!

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By Published On: October 20, 2024Categories: Encouraging AngelsComments Off on ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Revealing the Coming American Hyperinflation Via Recollection of an American in Zimbabwe During Mugabe’s Manic Money Printing-The $1,243,255,000 Lunch For Three

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


