J6: And Now Congress Knows the Rest of the Story

Original article here

Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas is a former sheriff, Army National Guard Major, and the recipient of 2 bronze stars. Nehls vocally criticized Nancy Pelosi, the J6 Committee, and Capitol Police leadership for their handling of January 6. Soon after, under Nancy Pelosi’s authority, on November 20, 2021, Capitol Police illegally entered his office and photographed confidential legislative materials. Two days later, while Congress was in recess and Nehls’ office was supposedly vacant, they returned dressed as construction workers; however, they were caught by Nehl’s staffer who chose to work through the holiday weekend. Congressman Nehls believes this was an attempt to blackmail him into silence on J6.

Instead of standing down, Rep. Nehls doubled down. On September 24, he hosted a congressional screening of the film The War On Truth. Nick Searcy and I made The War On  Truth as a follow-up to our 2021 film Capitol Punishment: Everything They Told You Is A Lie. I  didn’t win a Best Director Oscar for that film, but I did get investigated by the FBI. That was part of the reason why we decided to make The War On Truth.

The screening was an emotional and informative event that left the audience stunned.

As one Oversight Committee member stated at the end of the film, “We just didn’t know this information. We didn’t have it.”

Former ICE Director Tom Homan was visibly moved after seeing The War On Truth: “As a 34-year law enforcement professional, I’m angry. Why am I finding out this information from a movie instead of from the proper investigative agencies?”

The War On Truth delivers some hard facts:

As former Capitol Police Lt. Tarik Johnson points out, “Everyone on the ground that day, MAGA supporters and Capitol Police were set up.” If Johnson had not broken protocol and cleared the Senate and House on his own volition, J6 would have been a bloodbath. If he had done so earlier Ashli Babbitt would be alive today.

Ray Epps did not act alone. In fact, he is escorted out of the breach crowd immediately after someone on the front line pops red smoke.

For the first time in history, Americans are receiving hard federal prison sentences for misdemeanor crimes such as trespassing.

Americans are being denied due process to a speedy trial, in several instances waiting over two years for their trials.

J6 was a psychological operation pulled off with military precision. This film illuminates who the possible architects were, both foreign and domestic, to such a level that to deny further investigation into their actions seems criminal.

Five police officers did not die on January 6, 2021, four Trump supporters did. Officer Brian Sicknick was not bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters. He died of natural causes. The other four police officers died of suicide, weeks and months after J6. Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips died of heart attacks. It is very possible that at least one of these heart attacks was caused by a flash bang grenade to the chest.  Roseanne Boyland did not die of acute amphetamine intoxication. She was crushed and then beaten while unconscious by DC Metro Officer Lilah Morris. Fourteen-year military veteran Ashli  Babbitt was defending the Capitol, begging Capitol Police to bring reinforcements, punching out one of the most violent infiltrators of the operation, and upholding her oath to defend the  Constitution in the last seconds of her life.

So why has this lie been repeated so often by Joe Biden, his administration, and the media?

As Joseph Goebbels stated: If you make the lie big enough and repeat it often enough it will become truth to the State. The American people have been lied to for over three and a half years.  Knowledge is power, and we are living in the greatest information war in our nation’s history.

Contrary to FBI Director Christopher Wray’s sworn testimony, FBI agents were taken off pedophile task forces to go after J6ers. Contrary to his sworn testimony, there were anarchist infiltrators leading the violence. We saw them. We filmed them. In the case of Antifa leader John Sullivan, they even filmed themselves.

If I had made false statements to the FBI in the course of their investigation, I would have been Flynned. I would have been charged with a felony and looking at seven years imprisonment. What repercussions is Chris Wray facing?

Troy Nehls and a small handful of congressional leaders have been searching for truth and justice.

The rest of Congress can no longer claim ignorance. They have enough facts to do the right thing for the American people, create a real J6 committee, and bring the hard truth to all  Americans once and for all. As Lt. Johnson stated, “The truth will come out eventually, but will it come out before the November elections? Probably not.”

Big doors open and close on small hinges. J6 is the hinge that blows everything apart.  Because when people see how badly they have been lied to for so long, they will begin to question everything.

For the members of Congress who did not attend The War On Truth screening, they may still gain access to the film by contacting Rep. Nehl’s office.

Let’s pray that Congress has the courage and the integrity to act upon the information that we have brought to them.


Chris Burgard, is Director of the brand new groundbreaking documentary The War on Truth.

By Published On: October 20, 2024Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on J6: And Now Congress Knows the Rest of the Story

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page: http://bit.ly/BrushbeaterStore


