Sun Burps Second-Biggest Solar Flare Of Cycle 25 As Impact Analysis Says Earthbound By Weekend

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NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center detected an X7.1 solar flare on Tuesday, the second strongest of Solar Cycle 25. It originated from Active Region 3842. The most powerful flare of the cycle, an X8.7, occurred earlier this year on May 14.

“This latest flare was observed by the GOES-16 satellite X-ray sensor (XRS) and peaked at 6:20 pm EDT (2220 UTC). The flare was impulsive in nature but was associated with some USAF solar radio observatory reports that may indicate a possible coronal mass ejection (CME) could be associated with the flare,” SWPC wrote in a space weather update.

An update on space weather website SolarHam notes the solar flare was a “faint halo CME was associated with the X7.1 solar flare around AR 3842 Tuesday evening. Although not an overly energetic event, a passage past Earth will still be likely within 48-72 hours.”

X user EarthSky wrote this morning, “Yesterday evening’s giant X flare released a chunk of sun-stuff – a coronal mass ejection, or CME – toward Earth. Initial analysis says it should arrive October 5,” adding, “It is a relatively fast but not a very big CME.”

SPWC expects a minor to moderate solar storm by the end of this week or the weekend. In other words, auroras will be visible in certain areas.

As we’ve previously noted, the solar maximum has arrived.

Last year, we pointed out that Cycle 25 is expected to peak sometime in 2025.

It was noted that the ‘first traces’ of Solar Cycle 26 had been detected.

In early May, one of the most powerful solar storms in years blasted Earth. Fortunately, the digital economy held up, and Starlink’s massive satellite constellation also survived.

Let’s remember we’ve outlined just how fragile modern society has become in a solar maximum period of heightened Earth-facing space weather.

Maybe the biggest threat to civilization is not the human-caused global warming narrative pushed by far-left corporate media outlets and progressive elected and unelected officials; instead, look to the sky. But then again, somehow, the climate alarmist will twist words and find a way to blame the sun-burping plasma on humans.

By Published On: October 3, 2024Categories: UncategorizedComments Off on Sun Burps Second-Biggest Solar Flare Of Cycle 25 As Impact Analysis Says Earthbound By Weekend

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About the Author: Patriotman

Patriotman currently ekes out a survivalist lifestyle in a suburban northeastern state as best as he can. He has varied experience in political science, public policy, biological sciences, and higher education. Proudly Catholic and an Eagle Scout, he has no military experience and thus offers a relatable perspective for the average suburban prepper who is preparing for troubled times on the horizon with less than ideal teams and in less than ideal locations. Brushbeater Store Page:


