ENCOURAGING ANGELS: Ravenous Wolves in Montana and Pennsylvania Have Just Joined Texas in Sponsoring Bills That Call For a ‘Con-Con’ That Could Tear Apart the U.S. Constitution

Image Credit: Somerset Church of Christ
By Stan Szymanski
Just this past Wednesday I wrote about Rep. Jody Arrington (R-TX. 19th District) had introduced H.Con.Res.15 – Calling an Article V Convention for proposing a Fiscal Responsibility Amendment to the United States Constitution and stipulating ratification by a vote of We the People, and for other purposes.
The danger of this is not that we have more fiscal responsibility mandated for our government, but that the sponsors of this bill want to use an Article V Constitutional Convention to accomplish it. This is not a ‘political’ writing; I am not telling you whom to vote for and am not advocating for one party or the other. I am writing this article today to point out the existential threat to every citizen of the United States that the potential convening of an Article V Constitutional Convention poses because the existence of our very Constitution is at stake.
I regret to report today that just since Wednesday the states of Pennsylvania and Montana now also have bills pending regarding limits on government power, balanced budget and term limits that request that an Article V Constitutional Convention be convened.
Pennsylvania House Resolution 21 is:
…’A Concurrent Resolution calling for a convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States to consider amendments that limit the number of terms that members of Congress may serve and establish and limit the terms of office for United States Supreme Court Justices.’…(PA HR 21)
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In Montana House Joint Resolution No. 5 has been introduced:
…The Legislature of the State of Montana hereby applies to Congress, under the provisions of Article V of the Constitution of the United States, for the calling of a convention of the states limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress. (Section 1 MT. House Joint Resolution No. 5)
As I stated on Wednesday, Article V of the Constitution makes provision for amendments to the U.S. Constitution without a Constitutional Convention. If two thirds of the Senate and two thirds of the House of Representatives agree, you have an amendment to the Constitution. This is how we have come to have 27 amendments currently to the Constitution.
But politicians not only in Texas, but now in Montana and Pennsylvania feel the need to invoke the need for a Constitutional Convention (Con-Con) which has not happened since 1787 when that convention scrapped the Articles of Confederation in favor of the Constitution. A Con-Con could change everything, and not for the better this time, IMHO.
What are the dangers associated with convening a Con-Con?:
There is no constitutional authority for a limited convention.
There is no guidance on how delegates would be selected.
There is no guidance on who could qualify as a delegate.
There is no guidance on how many delegates each state could send.
There is no provision for stopping a runaway convention.
There is no provision for how rules would be established.
There is no provision for how rules would be enforced.
There is no role provided for the people to play in the process.
There is no power provided for the people to stop a convention once it starts.
There is no description of the ratification conventions Congress could choose to call.
There are no rules governing the ratification conventions Congress could choose to call.
There is no means provided for either the states or the people to challenge Congress’s choice of the method of ratification.
There is no test provided for a qualifying application submitted by a state.
The acceptance by one Congress of a state application for a convention does not bind subsequent Congresses from accepting that application.
Application for a convention submitted by one state legislature does not prevent subsequent state legislatures from revoking the previous application.
All these issues would be challenged in court and would take years to be decided.
The issues to be addressed at a convention to propose amendments would likely be moot by the time the challenges reached the U.S. Supreme Court for final adjudication.
If 100 percent of registered voters opposed an amendment proposed by a convention, but the requisite number of state legislatures or ratifying conventions (according to the process determined by Congress for consideration of proposed amendments) supported it, then that amendment would become part of the Constitution regardless of the will of the people.
The same scenario is true if a proposed amendment were approved by 100 percent of registered voters but rejected by the ratification conventions or state legislatures (according to the process determined by Congress for consideration of proposed amendments). (John Birch Society)
The delegates are -not limited- to only vote on what they were sent to the Con-Con to vote for. They could literally bring up -anything- up to and including the abolishment of our current form of government.
The vote in Montana is as early as today, March 15, 2025.
Again, I am not writing today to tell you who to vote for or what to support. I am telling you that we do not need to call a Constitutional Convention in order to amend the Constitution of the United States of America.
If ‘We The People’ of all races, creeds and politics do not stand against the calling of a Constitutional Convention, ravenous wolves may take our country from us.
If the Constitution is maimed or destroyed in the process of a Con-Con then any semblance of America ceases to exist.
Reject any calls for a Constitutional Convention.
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Stan Szymanski (or Encouraging Angels) is not a medical doctor. This is not medical advice. In all matters pertaining to the health and care of a human being consult a medical doctor. This is the not legal, financial or personal advice. Consult appropriate professionals in those fields for that type of advice. For informational purposes only.
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Picking a nit: 2/3 of the Senate, plus 2/3 of the House, plus ratification by the states’ legislatures. That last piece is what stopped the Equal Rights amendment in the 70s. Congress passed it, but a majority of states did not.
Thank you Garry for the input.
This is NOT the time for an article 5 Constitutional convention. Once we have decided which way this country is going to go, then we can have a convention to further solidify the direction. To much lie, cheat & steal going on at the moment. Not a good time to open up a document that has not been followed for decades to determine if it should now be followed.